practice self-kindness, Succeed with Love

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One deep breath, one walk around the block, one paragraph, one phone call, one _______________ whatever it is you want to begin.


Allie’s* list of priorities seemed straightforward – build her business, start writing her book, and spend more time with family & friends. But as we discussed how she spent her time – it came out that she volunteered 10+ hours a week and served on 3 local committees. No wonder she wasn’t making progress on her priorities! Her schedule was full of other commitments.


Knowing your WHY can help you succeed in business. The other day my client Carmen* was telling me that she wants to shift more of her business into teaching workshops, but she’s not sure how. I asked her why she wanted to do this. Her first words were “I thought that ...” She proceeded to list several logical reasons – “it would be a good source of income, require less effort which would give me time to take care of my health,” etc. All very reasonable answers – except - I watched her shrink as she shared this with me. The light in her eyes that had just been there when she was explaining her ideas for the workshops was gone.


I first experienced the value of this practice, when - hokey as it may sound – I wrote myself a birthday card. I was going through a difficult time: my mother was sick, I was commuting to NY back and forth from California, and my business was on the back burner. I had tremendous support from loved ones, but it was tough. In my card, I acknowledged the difficulties and challenges I was going through, and expressed my pride and appreciation for my efforts and myself. It was a simple card, but by the end of writing it I was in tears and felt very loved and appreciated – by my own good self. I had no idea how nice that would feel! It gave me strength and courage and opened me to more fully appreciate and experience God’s love and the love of those around me. It was like I needed to hear it from me! I needed to know I had my own back.
